Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

vendredi, avril 22, 2005

Woke up this morning and made the mistake of viewing my e-mail.

Our American accountant wrote thanking me for dropping off my business records yesterday. She said that she'll call the I.R.S. agent and schedule the "full-blown" audit with him. That's accountant talk for "stock up on Preparation H." In the meantime, she will be sending an invoice for a large retainer; she mentioned something about the I.R.S. demanding some sort of accounting going back to 1997 . . .which of course, would be costly.

I’m-Happy –to-Be-Alive!

Ah, there was an e-mail from our French accountant/good friend. Seems that Caretaker Corinne brought her a letter that looked as if it needed immediate attention. Seems as if Comte Theirry du Moulin de Bercegol de Fitzjames was not pleased with the appellate court’s verdict in our favor. Now our Bleak House odyssey is entering year 4 and we’re headed for the highest court in France. Now I need to learn the word for an attorney who is licensed to practice in front of the Cour de Cassation. Mon Dieu, will my French legal terminology lessons never cease?