Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

mercredi, juillet 06, 2005

Status Report

Not much to report. Took a nap with my sheep the other day because it was cool, and that means the flies aren't out. Blanche slept on the beach blanket with me with her head on my stomach.

My husband put his back out, so Operation Firewood is on hold.

Operation Move the Hydrangeas: Beginning next week, we're repairing and ever-so-slightly enlarging our terrace, so today I will start digging up the five hydrangea bushes that line the terrace, and moving them. They have struggled in that location, because they get too much sun . . . a friend told me that I need to put them in a place where they have Northern exposure . . . after inspecting other hydrangeas at other houses, I think she's right.

I may have to move my beautiful grape vine for Operation Terrace Enhancement and that would be traumatic for me because I don't want to jeopardize my fledgling grapes and loose face as a master vigneron in Roger's eyes. He comes over and sprays my vine for me every two weeks after he sprays his own vines.

I'm still trying to get the new sheep delivered . . . I found a seller, but when I went to his house, the next day after the sheepherder's party, he wasn't home, and I've tried to call two times, and no one answers . . . so Operation Blanche Loosing Her Virginity is on hold.

Operation Shear Soixante-Douze is on hold because of my husband's bad back . . . and my girlfriend who helped me with Blanche in March, for some odd reason, has not volunteered to help me again. I thought she had a great time spending three hours on her day off wrestling a smelly sheep in a small shed.

Cirk the cat has lost his virginity . . . we were unnervered yesterday morning by the sadistic sounds of cat coupling.