Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

mercredi, mars 01, 2006

I think there's a quaint old adage that goes something like, "Don't stick your dick in a hornets' nest."

Hondouran Death Squad Enabler and current National Intelligence Director, John Negropointe, has just admitted that a vast conflict is on the verge of exploding in the Middle East, "pitting the region's rival Islamic sects against each other."


At mars 01, 2006 5:49 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

No kidding - and he just figured this out? What did he and the rest of the neocon dickheads think would happen when they invaded a sovereign middle east country that has a long history of sectarian/tribal disunity which was only kept in check by Saddam? I believe that there were a lot of people giving warnings prior to the invasion that this would happen, but no, Rummy and Georgie Porgie assured the world that they would be greeted with flowers. Goodness gracious, they have unleashed something much bigger than a hornet's nest. Honestly, if I lived in the states and had teenage male children, I'd be really worried about the imposition of a draft. Bloody fools, the bunch of them.


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