Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

vendredi, mars 04, 2005

For Whom the Heater Explodes

It's a dreary, rainy day here in San Francisco, and we don't have any heat. I'm sitting here with a small space heater, a situation which reminds me very much of my last week spent at the house in France!

Ever since we returned from France at the end of January, leaving a broken central heating system behind us in our wake, our American heater has been making loud, unsettling noises. It sounds like a gun going off whenever the gas has to rekindle itself. After five weeks of this, my husband finally decided to call Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) to have them look at the furnace.

The technician arrived yesterday, and found our heater to be in such bad shape, that he disconnected the gas saying that the next explosion might be the BIG ONE.

So here is more indisputable proof to bolster yesterday's post, that we don't have any control over life. For the past month, our furnace was on the verge of blowing up our flat and us in it.