Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

jeudi, octobre 27, 2005

Bad American Habit

We received a notice from the Mairie yesterday that we should expect to see trick-or-treaters at our house between 5pm and 7pm on Halloween.

He had to send out this notice, because it’s the first year that Halloween has been celebrated here in our village . . . his constituency had to be warned to stock up on candy.

My American friends who live in our departement’s big city told me that they were flooded with trick-or-treaters last week. They too received a warning announcement from their Mairie. I guess their town held Halloween two weeks early so that if there was a run on bagged candy at the local box stores, at least the needs of their little goblins would be sated.

It seems that the Halloween craze is now sweeping Southwestern France.

But not so in other parts of Europe. A mayor in an Austrian town banned the observance of Halloween because it’s a bad American habit . . . and other mayors are following his lead.

My American husband really wants to have a Halloween party . . .he went so far as to bring a large cardboard skeleton with him on his last flight back from the States. I haven’t agreed to the party . . .because I'm not creative enough to figure out how to do it. The French just don’t seem to have the STUFF you need to PURCHASE for a full-blown Halloween party.

But I’m sure that in another year or two, they will have all the requisite STUFF . . . I’ll bet anything that this Halloween idea is being promoted by the candy and party supply manufacturers . . .they’ll bring those old stuffy mayor’s around to their point of view in no time.