Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

mardi, novembre 01, 2005


Religious parents want to ban Halloween. . . in the U.S.!

Well, the first Halloween in our little village took place. It was quite cool . . .the village kids all came in one large group, accompanied by adult chaperones who were also dressed in costume, and they were travelling the back paths through the woods . . . so it was really scary for the little ones.

Our dog Attilla just about had a heart attack when he saw all these goblins, dressed in black and wearing masks, walk out of the woods.

The husband was yelling at him to quit barking at the trick-or-treaters . . .but I pointed out that Attilla was doing EXACTLY what I wanted him to do . . .go crazy and attack goblins that come out of the woods.

My husband commented on how polite all the kids were.