Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

dimanche, janvier 15, 2006

The Case of the Missing Horn

Went out to feed the sheep last night and was SHOCKED to discover that my little buck, Beau, had a bloody hole in his head and one of his budding horns was MISSING.

It's very bizarre. Beau was locked up in a small stable with the girls all day and I can't find any trace of the whereabouts of his missing horn . . . nor blood splatter to help me solve the mystery.

Could have been space aliens . . .or middle-aged Japanese men collecting libido enhancers . . . or Blanche making it clear that she's the leader of the pack (if this was the case, I'm relieved she didn't rip off his testicles).

The Husband speculated that perhaps Beau was just shedding his "baby horns" but I don't think that happens.

Any shepherds out there with any clues?