Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

vendredi, mars 03, 2006

American Taliban at Home in Utah

Digby has written an excellent analysis of the Republican bill introduced in the Utah legislature that would require the parental notification of girls raped by their fathers, even if the girl goes to court to ask permission to get an abortion.

Digby goes on to compare what's now happening in the United States to laws that regulate reproduction, female sexuality, and birth control, with the draconian laws controlling women in Afghanistan.

Read it and you'll understand how the American Right truly views women . . . as the reproductive property, of the father, the brother, the unknown rapist, the husband.

In other words, the conservatives believe that whoever has sex with a woman owns her uterus and her destiny.

From Digby:

Utah girls should realize how lucky they are. They are just as guilty of having sex as their muslim sisters and yet their leaders are generous and only seek to punish them with the forced childbirth of their own siblings and the offspring of their rapists. That's because America is civilized.One of these fine leaders puts it this way:

"There is a life inside of this life. And how that life is taken care of is very important to me," said Sen. Darin Peterson, R-Nephi.

How the life it's inside of is taken care of --- not so much. That life apparently gave up any claim to being cared for when she allowed her father to rape her.

Let me add my two cents to Digby's observation.
So Senator Peterson, for argument's sake,
let's say that this college student lived in Utah and hadn't been murdered:

"I saw the girl naked," Jack said. He quoted Pearson as ordering Moore: "Say hi, bitch!"
"She was laying on her side," Jack said. "She was chained up with her hands behind her back.
"She had a cut by her nose, three 'Bloods' [cigarette] burns like an upside down triangle [near] her eyes. Her face was kind of swollen."
Jack said Moore told him the men had raped and sodomized her.
"I asked them, 'What are you all doing this for?'" he said. "They said, 'It's already said and done. Nothing anybody can do about it now.'"

As I understand your position on abortion Senator Peterson, you would insist that Miss Moore give birth to the child of her rapist(s) torturer(s).

With all due respect Senator Peterson, you're one sick, sexually perverted, fucked-up man.


At mars 03, 2006 2:54 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

And these evil old white men think this is civilized? Good grief, where will this end? This is like an ongoing nightmare, a war on women indeed.


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