Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

vendredi, mars 03, 2006

A Clarion Call for the Boycott of South Dakota

Mark Morford, of the San Francisco Chronicle, rips the legislators of South Dakota a new rectum:

See, modern women under 40, they simply don't accept it. They have no conception of a world in which they don't have complete control over their flesh, their reproductive rights, their sexuality. For most women of this generation, reproductive choice is simply a fundamental, incontrovertible human right, obvious and ironclad and indisputable, and so to hear that it's being deeply threatened in this back-ass BushCo world is so foreign, so surreal, it induces an immediate cringing recoil, like watching Tom Cruise stick his tongue in Katie Holmes' face, like watching flies feed, like seeing Dick Cheney naked. It simply does not compute.

No matter. South Dakota's leaders, much like those in Ohio, Indiana, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and
Mississippi -- who've all introduced similar hateful, anti-choice measures -- don't care about women. They don't care about rights. But they care a great deal about power, about self-righteous ideology, about the ever-present egomaniacal male need to control, dominate, imprison that which it cannot understand. They care about suppression.


At mars 04, 2006 1:21 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Morford provides a wonderfully articulate precis of the situation. I wish more people would sit up and take notice of the gradual erosion of the rights of all people by these neo-con idiots.


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