Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

jeudi, août 24, 2006

Over The Hedge

I was in the kitchen making lunch. Antoinette was lying under the table and Attila was lying next to the stove. Attila decided to get up and visit Antoinette who started growling at him.

I looked down to chastise Antoinette and saw that she had a balled-up hedgehog in her mouth! I let out a slight scream and ran to get the Husband so he could see what weirdness was taking place in our kitchen.

Here's a website for hedgehog lovers.

Supposedly hedgehogs make good pets and enjoy playing with humans. But the Husband went out to play with it and said he can't understand how anyone would enjoy playing with a hedgehog as it has sticky quills that prick the skin.

(No hedgehogs were killed in the making of this blog entry.)