Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

vendredi, octobre 06, 2006

I'm teaching Antoinette and Attila to work with the sheep. Here they are obeying the command "STOP." They aren't allowed to follow me past the open gate. They have to sit still waiting for me to return. And they have to sit still while the sheep run past them. Posted by Picasa


At octobre 07, 2006 5:54 AM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Although "humans' rarely give credit to other species for their intelligence, I know you appreciate the intelligence of yours.
Why are you off in November? Is it because of the elections in the US? Regardless, I'm sorry you'll be away as I'm sure Attilla and Antoinette are, however, I'm aware that you will return. So I'll still come back, and will still comment.
Have a super November, and I do hope Campe Biche is a success!

At octobre 08, 2006 2:42 PM, Blogger Libby said...

Both the Husband and I are visiting our not so healthy parents in November. Would like to bring them over here to participate in the good French health care system . . . but they say they're too ill to come.

Thanks for your good wishes.


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