Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

lundi, juillet 25, 2005

The Recipe for being the Perfect Dinner Guest

Last night, my buddy Colin and his smart, witty wife came over for dinner. (I've already outed Colin, but his wife's name will remain a secret due to the undercover nature of her work.)

They brought an excellent bottle of Chateau Eugenie wine; and, delight of delights, they had visited my favorite chocolate shop, Leonidas, and purchased a big box for me, and my husband if he's willing to wrestle some of the chocolates from me, heavily weighted with my favorite vanilla creams. (The chocolate shop owner figured out who I was when Colin described the nutty American who lives west of town, and advised him on what to select.)

Then, to top off their generosity, and despite my attempt to shoo him out of the kitchen, Colin insisted on washing the dishes while the rest of us dried, and I put the dishes away. I never had a more blissful apres-diner cleanup.

So if you'd like to be the PERFECT dinner guest you only need to follow these three simple steps:
1. Bring wine.
2. Bring chocolate.
3. Help with the dishes.

See how simple it is to bring happiness to the world!