Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

jeudi, février 23, 2006

American Taliban Strikes Again!

Good Lord! You'd think with all those cattle and sheep ranchers in South Dakota they would know about the evils of inbreeding.

The South Dakota legislature just passed a bill that bans all abortions . . .even in the case of rape or incest . . .and there's absolutely no provision that takes into account the health of the mother. It goes to the anti-abortion governor next for his signature.

So if you get knocked up in South Dakota by your father, brother or grand-father, you've got to give birth to that wall-eyed baby.


At février 23, 2006 7:06 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Yup, the fundamentalist disease is spreading, and they are becoming much bolder. It amazes me that the same folks who supported the toppling of the Taliban in Afghanistan are now actively involved in bringing the very same male dominated society into power in the U.S. Wonder when they will ban vasectomies - after all, those little swimmers are potential baby makers. Bah, what a revolting development. If I lived there, I'd be relocating pronto.

At février 23, 2006 8:02 PM, Blogger Libby said...


I fear that the only solution that will bring about the progressive America we used to know and love, is for everything to go so far to the right that the people wake up and realize what they lost.

At février 24, 2006 3:12 PM, Blogger Libby said...

Sgt. Marks-a-lot,

Amen brother!


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