Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

dimanche, mars 05, 2006

"In South Dakota, I am Disposable"

Wow! SusanG from Daily Kos wrote a powerful essay on what the total bans on abortion in South Dakota and Mississippi really mean to women.

Imagine this: One day you wake up and discover an entire state has passed a law that declares you are worthless.
You are no longer a person. You are a package - a package for another person. Picture the styrofoam Big Mac carton tumbling along the shoulder of the interstate. Remember the discarded, dented Budweiser can you kicked aside at the campground to pitch a tent. Recall the time you scraped a month-old Popsicle wrapper from the side of your garbage can. That's you.
Or rather, that's me. I am a discard. I am debris. I am a useless scrap of life, sacrificed.