Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

samedi, mars 04, 2006

No Wonder Gold's Been on a Tear!

Everyone in the Treasury Department is hoarding it . . .

Yesterday, Treasury officials told Senate aides that without an increase in the nation's $8.18 trillion debt limit, the government "would default on obligations for the first time in history sometime during the week of March 20." The Senate will have to take up the issue soon since "federal default is considered unimaginable because it would rattle bond markets, force interest rates higher and shake the economy." The debt limit increase to around $9 trillion would be the fourth increase in five years. "I don't think the leadership wants to have any debate on this, and I think the reason is pretty clear," Finance Committee ranking member Max Baucus (D-MT) told CongressDaily. "It's embarrassing."


At mars 04, 2006 1:19 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

And they want to make those tax breaks for the top 1% permanent. What's next? Third world country status?

At mars 04, 2006 7:24 PM, Blogger Libby said...


How are you and your son doing without Holmes?

At mars 05, 2006 9:27 AM, Blogger Libby said...

Sgt. Marks-a-Lot,

Our tax dollars at work . . . building a better America, a better world!!!!

At mars 05, 2006 9:28 AM, Blogger Libby said...

Sgt. Marks-A-Lot,

Thanks to YOU, I notice that the ads showing up on the bottom of the page are for 1. Chernobyl Disaster 2. EPR Nuclear Reactor 3. Matchtech Group, plc 4. Decommissioning in Europe!

At mars 05, 2006 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Marks, an interesting post on the Galloping Beaver on what Bush gets for the nuclear deal.

Libby, thanks for asking. I'm getting better, but still teary. My son seems to be a bit short on tolerance lately - not with me, but with his friends. The whole situation is exacerbated by my daughter moving out to be with friends a month ago (not calling, not visiting, behaving rather recklessly etc), so it's been a hard few weeks. Fortunately, my son is quite mature, for a 17 year old, so this will pass with time.

At mars 06, 2006 9:38 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Marks, hope you enjoy the Galloping Beaver. Dave is a navy man - Canadian of course, and Cheryl is an accountant (I think. She's always busy at tax time). Dave has contacts, and gets inside news, which is reflected in a lot of his posts.
What else could I do for my favourite canine (after Holmes), who is busy patrolling the northern border. I do hope Lakshmi is well and flourishing. Is that her real name? I used to work with a Lakshmi Subash, so the name struck a chord. She was a lovely woman, but smart as a whip. Typically, as an East Indian, she ruled the roost, but let her husband think he did.


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