Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

lundi, avril 17, 2006

Je reviens . . .

I'll be back at the farm and blogging about my American adventures the 28th of April.


At avril 18, 2006 1:10 AM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Inmates say the darnedest things. Last week, after flirting w/ him a bit, I told a 78 y/o Montanan while shackled to his gurney with 2 Mexican - American guards at the ready that he had cancer and that I would have to remove a good part of his colon. The Montanan is an inmate at a CA prison that contracts with a (fabulous) county hospital that contracts with me. His Dad died of colon cancer. My news was a death sentence,to him. Though not in reality. Why was this frail, delightful, 78 y/o man in prison? Wrinkled and grey myself, I asked my nubile 30 ish intern to find out. She dutifully reported "murder", 15 years ago, says he was framed by a jealous lover. Hmm. I've read about the lousy public defender system in MT. CA can't be much better. I believed him. (Why I'd be a lousy lawyer). My point is this.
What do we accomplish by incarcerating for life, a feeble 63 year old? Secondly, what would the French do?

At avril 18, 2006 8:32 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Looking forward to your return with anticipation.
The Internet Cafe situation is sad, but much more prevalent that is reported. It's sad that one has to worry about someone going postal because he's being denied his imagined right to harrass women. I sure Le Troupeau miss you as much if not more than you miss them, and there will be a huge welcome home after your journey. Be safe.

At avril 19, 2006 2:34 AM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

WCFTM, I hope your vision of the future is going to come true. This type of civil unrest and lack of discourse seems to be cylical, much like the June Bug - the destruction they wreak is out of proportion to the length of their life. Worst thing - they retreat and lay eggs in dark places - waiting until they can emerge again. You can never really destroy them, all you can do is ensure that your environment is not conducive to their life cycle. This same scenario happened during FDR's second world war experience - Chase Manhattan, Ford, GM, you name it. Where money was concerned, the corporations were there. When the brutality of the Nazi regime was exposed, these corporations retreated, but they are interested in only one thing - profits and wealth. It's happening again with the multinationals being bigger and stronger than they were then. They may retreat again, but in their wake they leave behind a divided population, a division that they created, as they own the media.

At avril 19, 2006 2:38 AM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Libby, come back as soon as you can. I'm becoming so cynical, and I need your soothing reports of life en France and your wonderful stories of Beau and Blanche, Attila and Antoinette to keep me grounded. How's the plumbing?
Marks and WCFTM, forgive my rant.


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