Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

jeudi, mars 09, 2006

France's Avian Flu Psychosis

All French cats are now viewed with suspicion.

While Americans imagine a terrorist hiding behind every bush, the French are driving themselves insane imagining that every bird, cat, and dog is about to infect them with a deadly virus.

DISNEYLAND PARIS was accused yesterday of hiding a dead swan as panic over bird flu spread across Europe. The allegations, angrily denied by the resort, were made by trade unions who said managers had hushed up the discovery to avoid scaring off visitors. The row came amid what experts are describing as an avian flu psychosis after the arrival of the H5N1 virus.
In France, police officers have been sent to shoot wild ducks, the fire service has been inundated with requests to pick up dead pigeons, and cockerels banned from fighting are allegedly expiring from apoplexy.

I guess the sweet British ladies from Les Amis des Chats will now be showing up every day with a new delivery:

Hundreds of cats have been abandoned in France and Germany over the past two weeks. “A lot of owners pretend they have suddenly developed an allergy to cat fur,” a worker at the French Society for the Protection of Animals said.


At mars 10, 2006 2:08 AM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

CBC had interviews with some of the Animal rescue folks this morning, and they were raising the flags about this nonsense. I wonder what the heck is happening. H5N1 is not new. Where's the vacine? Why is there such a time delay. Heck, I'm not in France and I seriously doubt this would happen in Canada, but you never know how hysteria may affect people.
If this continues, I suggest you contact Karma and advise there's no more room at the inn. Otherwise, you'll be forking out mega bucks just to keep the multitudinous kitties coming your way in treats.

At mars 10, 2006 2:12 AM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

The number one global commodity seems to be fear. Thanks for the news that the French are just as idiotic as the rest of us.

Oh, I've been telling folks that horror story you reported about Santorum, his wife and children and the 20 month old fetus... er, baby. It’s the perfect Santorum story. Plants the entire picture of who the man is without having to site a single statistic or lie.

I just hope the state is still solvent enough to pay those children's mental health bills when Daddy is in the Federal Pen and Mommy can't find a job.


At mars 10, 2006 10:10 AM, Blogger Libby said...

What a sweet, optimistic moniker you've chosen, WeCanFixThisMess! ;)

I really think that Santorum is an oportunists . . .carting his dead fetus around to show how much he reveres the fetus.

If we applied the fundie logic to the dead fetus, one could point the finger at the Santorums and ask what was the evil they perpetrated that made God smite their unborn child? After all, God never does anything without a reason . . .!

At mars 10, 2006 10:41 AM, Blogger Libby said...

WhatTheH, You can see from today's post about Marmalade, that there is no need for me to stop the arrival of the cats from the Amis!


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