Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

mardi, mars 07, 2006

The Cult of the Fetus

Someone I know, had a miscarriage within the first twelve weeks of gestation. So aggrieved was she, that she forced her husband and three other children to attend a burial service for the fetus on their ranch.

(Not that it matters, but each of her three children has a different father.)

Then the grieving woman went into a mental tailspin for several weeks, refusing to do anything, because she was too "depressed."

This woman's mother-in-law, having to tend to the three children while the mother mourned the fetus, and thinking her daughter-in-law was a great actress, commented, "Hell, when I had a miscarriage I was out working in the fields the next day."

It's been over two years, and the sonogram of the failed fetus still retains its revered spot, hanging on the family refrigerator. The three kids pretty much have to fend for themselves when it comes to feeding themselves, so their little fetus sibling is a daily presence.

On the "birthday" that never was to be, the thwarted mother insisted that the family have a memorial service for Freddy the Fetus. The living children that were subjected to this nonsense were 3, 10, and 12 years of age at the time.

It would be one thing if the mother wanted to deal with her grief privately, or joining with her husband to mourn their dead fetus, but it is irresponsible to subject young children to this farce.

This woman is not religious, but obviously has been caught up in the Cult of the Fetus that has swept our country.

Like so many people in the anti-abortion crowd, it's far easier for her to obsess about her dead fetus that requires no care or feeding, than it is to lovingly do the work required to pay attention and properly care for the living, breathing children that already populate our strained planet.

Searching the web for "fetus funeral" I found a long essay about several priests and MEN who collected the fetuses from abortion clinics, stored them for several years in their apartments, and then arranged to have them buried:

"Brian stockpiled boxes of fetal remains in his garage. I piled dozens of boxes containing the tiny broken bodies in the spare bedroom that I used as a study. The house where Edmund had his apartment had a nearly-empty basement rarely visited by the two other tenants. It was here that the largest share of the boxes were piled five feet high, twelve feet across and three feet wide Edmund covered the little mountain of boxes, which grew larger every week, with blankets and a tarpaulin. I bought several air fresheners to mask the formalin odor emitted by the boxes in my apartment. If I kept the door to my spare bedroom closed, the odor was barely noticeable. Of course, after several weeks I probably had become used to the smell. "

Now I ask, if they cared so much about children, why weren't these two spending all their time and energy trying to prevent or assuage the pedophilia epidemic that is rampant in the Catholic Church?

Perhaps it's because stopping pedophilia in the Catholic Church is infringing on the the sexual rights of MEN. Stopping abortion is only infringing on the sexual and reproductive rights of WOMEN. See the difference?


At least Edmund and his crusading buddy aren't in a position to craft federal laws out of their fetus obsession. However, Rick Santorum is:

Upon their son's death, Rick and Karen Santorum opted not to bring his body to a funeral home. Instead, they bundled him in a blanket and drove him to Karen's parents' home in Pittsburgh. There, they spent several hours kissing and cuddling Gabriel with his three siblings, ages 6, 4 and 1 1/2. They took photos, sang lullabies in his ear and held a private Mass."That's my little guy," Santorum says, pointing to the photo of Gabriel, in which his tiny physique is framed by his father's hand. The senator often speaks of his late son in the present tense. It is a rare instance in which he talks softly.He and Karen brought Gabriel's body home so their children could "absorb and understand that they had a brother," Santorum says. "We wanted them to see that he was real," not an abstraction, he says. Not a "fetus," either, as Rick and Karen were appalled to see him described -- "a 20-week-old fetus" -- on a hospital form. They changed the form to read "20-week-old baby."

WalMart is notorious for the fact that the majority of its workers are strains on social service systems because the company doesn't pay them an adequate wage and/or they won't offer them an adequate insurance plan.

Pretty immoral of one of the world's wealthiest corporations and families.

Yet they consider themselves righteous when they refuse to stock the morning after pill in their pharmacies.

See the hyprocricy with the Cult of the Fetus?
Take care of a non-viable fetus, but ignore the living, suffering humans.

Do everything in your power to make unwanted pregnancies viable, but don't do anything to halt the overpopulation and the global warming that imperils the lives of everyone on the planet.

No, because these Cultists of the Fetus have more important things to do: Must control the wombs of women. Must make sure that every unwanted child comes to term.


At mars 07, 2006 8:01 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Excellent synopsis, and once again, thanks. I know I sound like one of those people who have a personal example for every problem, who have had this disease etc, but I once considered abortion. I was 28, happily married (or so I thought) and was pregnant. Something didn't feel right, there was a problem that I couldn't articulate. My friends and family pooh poohed my feelings - first pregnancy, skittish feelings doncha know, but I remained convinced something was wrong. I discussed it with my doctor at length, but even she gave no credence, blaming it on hormonal changes. One ultrasound - to belay my concerns - proved that there was a live healthy baby, but I still was sure there was a problem. I won't go into the nightmare - my conjoined twins were born via surgery. I was awake with a general anaesthic for the caesarian and when they started rushing around, putting a mask on my face, I heard the specialist say - Oh My God. At that moment, I had been right, but it was scant comfort. My conjoined twins were born but they couldn't be separated - one heart, one circulatory system - no chance to live. They died shortly after birth. After genetic tests I was told it was a one in six million occurrence - lucky me. I went through 9 months of hell, lost a marriage, lost any feeling of self worth, lost a part of myself. Could abortion have been any worse? No, it would only have affected me and to this day I wish I had followed my heart. It would have saved my poor boys from being born, only to die immediately thereafter.
When I became pregnant with my daughter, I reached for that place where intuition resides, and was reassured. Same with my son. Both were born healthy, hearty and I became sane again - sorta. Both my living children know about their brothers, and interestingly, both suggested that I should have aborted.

At mars 08, 2006 3:07 AM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Testify, sister woman!!!

The thing about all this anti-abortion stuff happening all over the country is that it's not like the first time... people are a lot more evolved than they were in the early 70s.
For ever 30 years many women have had the luxury to be a selfish Republican.

The reality that THEIR lives may actually be effected by this new round of laws and court challenges will sink in soon enough. There are a lot of arm chair pro-lifers who cowardly back the hatemongers knowing full well that they have the right to take care of themselves should they get into trouble.

I think this issue will be like the dinner bell calling the wayward Democrats home. I bet the female vote is huge this November.

The self-righteous may win a few battles but they will not win this war.

This issue may finally be the stick that actually wakes the sleeping giant.

The GOP can rant all they want but the youth of this country want to have sex. Once it is truly threatened they will rise up and say no.

Keep telling it like it is.


At mars 08, 2006 3:59 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

WCTFM, I hope you are right. While I live outside your fine country, what happens there affects us here. I don't want to see an influx of poor unfortunate women crossing the border because they have to leave home, at a time when they are most vulnerable and need their friends and family. I don't want to see young women treated like pariahs. Having two teen children tell me what what goes on today what with date rape drugs, raves, the intense media attention to sex etc, I'm determined that women's rights are not eroded out of existence. I hope that your Supreme Court will overturn this South Dakota attack on women's rights pronto, but with Roberts, Alito, Thomas, Scalia, I'm not sure they will.

At mars 08, 2006 6:23 PM, Blogger Libby said...

Thanks for your story WhattheH, what a nightmare you had to go through.

When Congress was screaming about so-called "partial birth abortion" I thought that the women who aren't allowed to have these late term procedures should have the severely deformed offspring, and then leave them in baskets on the steps of Congress.

Thanks for sharing your story.

At mars 08, 2006 7:39 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Thanks, Libby. Hugs from you are most welcome, I'm honoured. Interestingly, my first job was in an academic library associated with a research University. They purchased a lot of books that are not normally available in regular libraries. My job was to unpack, catalogue the book and put it on the shelves. I remember one book in particular, which documented the results of an extended study on birth defects in the U.S. It came with pictures, and the defects were horrific. Being of an inquisitive nature, I read that book. Those poor babies. In all cases, the mothers were advised that their babies had been still born. The defects ranged from extra limbs, extra eyes, one eye in the middle of the head and worse.
It was 38 years ago, and I had forgotten about it until this abortion debate reared it's ugly head, yet again. It is inhuman to force a woman/girl to go through nine months of hell to satisfy a male's idea of what God wanted. Abortion is not discussed in the bible or in the Constitution of the U.S. or in any other nation's founding documents because they were written by men and it was not recognized as being an issue. I have no doubt that women have been subjected to back alley procedures since the beginning of written history, but the men writing all this so called infallible literature would not have been privy to or have chosen to ignore this dirty little secret. How else could they exert their manifold destiny as rulers of the roost. Fortunately, there are a lot of enlightened men who are coming forward and defending rights regardless of sex. Unfortunatly there are just as many women who are selling out their sex by marching to the drums beaten by men who have no interest in them other than their ability to procreate.
I was molested as a child, I was raped as a teen, I had many unfortunate experiences as an adult. It seems predators have inbuilt radar and can smell the vulnerable, and boy they sure smelled me. I think I was Atilla the Hun in my last life and am being forced to atone for my sins in this one.
These men and women who put themselves forward as righteous have contributed to the decline in my teeth. I grind them when I sleep, and it's getting worse. Told you, I seem like one of those folks who have every disease in order to bring attention to themselves.
Strange, I haven't spoken about my experiences before - even my sisters don't know most of it. You've given me an outlet that has been more benefical that the therapy I had in my thirties. Thanks.

At mars 08, 2006 9:56 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...


I hear what you are saying. The one thing the Right seem to be addicted to is overplaying their hand. They are going after Roe at a time when everyone is watching what the Supreme Court is doing. That is a huge mistake on their part.

The only, (and I truly believe only) reason they get away with so much is because most of the good people of America are not paying attention. The voting public is the problem. But they are also the solution.

As they go after abortion they are going to force people who don't pay attention to politics to listen up. Hell, if just 10% of the non-voting women suddenly showed up at the polls it would change everything.

I am originally from Texas. Every time I call home I hear a new story about how some staunch Republican, that my family knows, is denouncing Bush and vowing to vote Democratic.

It may seem like they are winning the battle over abortion (and a lot of other issues) but in doing so I think they will lose the war. They may inflict some damage but it will be righted by a more informed populace.

We've been living in a sort of nationwide emotional depression since the Watergate/post 60s "I can't fight City Hall" time. But do these blogs and the fighting mad mood of most Dems not feel like a new era is coming? Things are changing rapidly.

I have to hold on to that hope. I have to believe that we are relearning, as a nation, how to stand up and take responsibility for ourselves.

There are much more of us than them and we will win.

At mars 08, 2006 10:06 PM, Blogger Libby said...


I'm from Montana originally, and it's amazing to see my John Birch parents denounce Bush. They still can't bring themselves to vote for a Democrat though, so they just didn't vote in the last Presidential election . . .I sure hope you're right.

At mars 08, 2006 10:21 PM, Blogger Libby said...

If you want to write a post about the history of your womb, I'd be happy to post it. I think your experiences are much more typical than you think . . .but women are told not to talk about such things.

Your story illustrates that the issues involving female sexuality and reproduction are not black and white, easy to decide moral issues that the preacherman can easily guide us through.

Sex is our destiny, and unfortunately it is used as a hammer, winked at by society, to pound us back into fearful submission.

I have often tried to explain to men, only to be ridiculed, the constant, subtle fear that women always carry with them . . .when stepping into an elevator alone, walking down the street, getting into their car in a parking lot, etc. etc. ad nauseum.

If you write the post, e-mail it to me at

More Hugs,

At mars 08, 2006 10:28 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...


It's WeCanFixThisMess. That Anonymous post was me. Sorry, forgot to sign it.

There is so much good stuff on your blog- keep going. I'll try to send more folks your way.


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