Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

lundi, mars 06, 2006

Take Two and Call Me in the Morning

" Jeune femme avec agneau."

My girlfriend told me a funny story about her mother. Last week, it was her mother's birthday.

One of the daughters telephoned the mother to say that she had mailed her a birthday package.

The next day, the mother went to the post office and picked up her package.

When she opened it, there was a smaller box within the larger box, and within the small box was a vial of tablets with the instructions to take two every morning.

The mother took two tablets.

The daughter who had sent the birthday package called up the mother.
"Did you receive my package?"
"Yes. But what are these pills?"
"PILLS?!!? I sent you some pajamas!"

The mother walked back down to the post office and said to the clerk, "You gave me the wrong package." He replied, "Yes, we know. An old man just returned a package with some women's pajamas."


At mars 06, 2006 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

That was very funny. I come here every day, and there is always something to enjoy. Thanks, Libby.


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