Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

lundi, mars 06, 2006

Fat Kids -- Worldwide Epidemic

Not a very pretty picture.

Because obese children tend to carry the problem into adulthood, Thomas and other doctors say they will tend to be sicker as they get older, suffering from heart disease, stroke and other ailments stemming from their weight.
"This is going to be the first generation that's going to have a lower life expectancy than their parents," Thomas said. "It's like the plague is in town and no one is interested."


At mars 06, 2006 9:11 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...


It's WeCanFixThisMess from over at the General's place.

I just wanted to drop you a private note and say that you make me LAUGH- out loud- quite often.

Keep up the good work.

At mars 06, 2006 11:19 PM, Blogger Libby said...

Merci, WeCanFixThisMess.

At mars 06, 2006 11:22 PM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

How very sad. I truly believe that it's the parent's responsiblity to teach their children good eating habits. From a personal perspective, I was always considered a good size for my height - 5'6" and never over 125lb in my youth. I had children relatively late - 38 and 40, and blew up over 160, for a variety of reasons, depression the major contributor. I was working 75 hours a week, and coming home to the deadbeat, who was supposed to be tending the children (as he couldn't/wouldn't get a job). One day, I noticed that my oldest was also ballooning, and did some investigation. Seemed that we had every McDonald's kids meal trinket that had ever been invented. I arranged with my office to allow me to work at home (a first in my company) and moved my office. From there on, I made every meal those kids ate, and beneficial for me, I finally gave the deadbeat the boot. My weight went back down to normal, and my children went back to being healthy and lithe. Now, I look at my 5"11, 150lb daughter, and 6', 180 lbs of muscle son (he works out), and thank my lucky stars I woke out of my stupor and realized the danger. My family is fairly well balanced, weightwise, but I believe that it's because my Mom (bless her) taught us about nutrition. We never had hamburger helper, no Sloppy Joes, just lots of fish, chicken, vegetables and salad. We weren't well off, but food was the fuel of life, so we ate nutritiously. My two haven't been inside a McDonalds since I moved home, and now feel nauseous whenever we get too close to one because of the smell of the grease. My daughter had embraced vegetarianism two years ago, and now, due to various food allergies (which I perhaps unfairly blame on the early fast food diet) is compelled to veganism. Celiacs and lactose intolerance does that. Interestingly, there is only one other member of my family who has food allergies, and she is also one who frequented fast food joints quite often. Makes one wonder about additives in food, and their impact on the human body. By the way, I gave up on corn years ago when I learned that Monsanto had genetically altered the DNA to include animal protein., and that there was no way that ordinary corn farmers could prevent the spread of pollen from genetically altered corn to their untainted crops. I sound like a nut, but it's worked for me.

At mars 07, 2006 9:52 PM, Blogger Libby said...


No I don't think you're a nut. I've written many times on this blog about "corporate" food and it's evils. Where I live in France is where they discovered the French Paradox . . . people eat these fatty foods but don't have the heart disease. I don't think it's the wine, I think it's because they aren't eating "corporate" fat . . .and they eat small portions of homemade meals. Sounds like we have a lot in common!


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