Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

mardi, octobre 10, 2006

The mesmerizing Antoinette! Posted by Picasa


At octobre 13, 2006 4:19 AM, Anonymous Anonyme said...

Any advice Madame, for explaining divorce to a 4 and 7 year old. You seem to have the world by the tail. I aspire to have it as together as you. with respect and envy.

At octobre 13, 2006 11:47 AM, Blogger Libby said...

Dear Anonymous,

Boy do I have advice on explaining divorce to a 4 and 7 year old . . . because I had to explain it to my five year old, fifteen years ago.

The Progeny told some of his peers in high school that he was happy his parents got divorced, because he got to live in two different worlds . . . and he could never imagine his parents living together because we were such opposites. And he told me that this is what he truly believed . . .that it was better that his parents were divorced than married.

My best advice is: get along with your EX! Don't say anything disparaging about him (or her, but I assume you're female). And be NICE to your EX!

A few years down the road you'll be much happier with your life if you don't fight with the EX.

If you want to talk more you can reach me at

Or you can ask me questions here if you want . . . and if you think I can be of help.

Good luck with everything . . . it's not as hideous on the kids as the "experts" would lead you to believe . . . divorce is certainly better than being in a loveless marriage.


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