Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

samedi, novembre 05, 2005

The rioting is spreading all over France. Here's LeMonde's coverage for today. It has now come to the capital of our region.

Believe me, all the car burning has got the undivided attention of the government here.

I can't help wondering, if these "disenfranchised" French poor, who have food and medical care and other services that the working poor don't have in America, then when are the poor in the U.S. going to engage the services of that venerable Congressional lobbying firm Pitchfork, Molotov and Cocktail?

Those kind hearted men and handful of women at the U.S. Capitol are even making cuts in the school lunch program for poor kids. Can't blame them though, after all, they've got the mother of all wars to finance in Iraq . . .and 70 billion more in tax cuts to push through . . .a bridge in Alaska to nowhere to build . . .and the 35 million American poor, well, it's their own damn fault they're poor.