Libby Pratt

Life on a French Farm

mercredi, janvier 18, 2006

Spent the morning: feeding sheep, cleaning the chicken coop, making a rock wall, grocery shopping.

Tomorrow I will: feed the sheep, clean the sheep stable, work on the rock wall.

Notice that the common denominators to my life are animal feeding and feces management.

Here's a brilliant, sensible idea that won't ever catch on in the U.S.: reusable grocery bags.

If you go to a French grocery store they do not give you paper or plastic bags for your purchases. So you're FORCED to bring your own reusable bags. (Yes, I know that some stores in the U.S. give you 5 cents a bag if you use your own bag . . .but they still haven't, and won't eliminate free bags.)

However, if you go to the quaint outdoor farmers' markets here, they're passing out little green plastic bags right and left for all your purchases. That practice annoys me . . .because the plastic takes away the quaintness.

I hate plastic and asphalt.

The Husband got word that the French have awarded him a Carte de Sejour! Lui est tres heureux!